Friday, January 27, 2012

Productive day

 It's funny how you can work really hard all day, look at the work you have produced, and think maybe somehow you did not do enough. But of course I always remind myself there is no time line when you are making functional art. What really matters is that each piece be well made and have something about it that makes it special.


 Here is a really large bowl. I imagine it will be a fruit bowl. I do not usually make pieces this large but sometimes you do something different. After I made it I sort of was like....hmmmmm nice, maybe....not sure. But after looking at it for a while it grew on me and I decided to take it to the next level, trimming.



Here is a butter dish. I made two of them using a red stoneware with a coating of porcelain slip. I then scratched using a triangle rib with notches in it. The white lines will be cobalt blue. The glaze will be an opaque white glaze. It is a variation of bone glaze by Ron Roy. Instead of rutile I use zinc so it's less yellow and not so transparent. Finished pics will be next week.




 Worked on more plates and some pasta bowls. They should be ready for trimming in a couple of days.








More small bowls. These are made from white stoneware and will get decorated with colored slips for valentines day.





Lastly finally started making things for the wood fire kiln. Our wood firing will be the second week of April. 

Tomorrow will another busy day. I have a tile class from 9 to noon and than the studio is having a rake firing from noon to 3. One of our resident potters will be learning to work the raku kiln. Sweet.


I guess, when I loo back at my day in this blog I realize I did have a productive day. No wonder I'm exhausted! Time to prepare dinner for the family and have a glass of wine. Take care. 

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