Thursday, May 22, 2014

Seconds; warped cups, failures, cracked cups, basically unsalable cups.

It can be arbitrary as to what makes a piece of pottery a second, at least for a studio potter. I don't really have design runs or a 'line' so I don't have a consistent bar to check my work against. I basically make stuff I like and sell it. If it doesn't sell it ends up in my home, seconds box, or shard pile (where it probably should have gone in the first place.) Sounds pathetic.

I don't pretend to understand my market. People (meaning all of us) are fickle. One moment we like this and the next we like that and don't like this. Some designs are great in theory or on paper but end up being too impractical or like this cup........interesting nonetheless no one thought 'this will be my favorite cup ever!'

So here's a question for you, does form follow function?

I dunno, I kind of think these succulent holders are pretty awesome!

Oh wait, is that a cup too?

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