Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Voodoo Raku with no clothes on

My day started like all my favorites, go to the studio. I had a special mission for today however, sharing Naked Raku. After getting the thick pancake batter like slip together and cleaning up the studio a bit Nancy got the snacks out and we started to get into the groove with My Baby Loves Voodoo.

Best thing you can do when you it comes to Raku is to come with an open mind. The process is so littered with chance and serendipity. Expectations are a real ego killer here.

The sun was shinning with a slight breeze, perfect weather for standing around and listening to the roar of the burner, discussing the possibilities of life. Which is what happens when you are waiting for the kiln to get to temperature.

Not that there aren't things to do while waiting.....

Like talking about the style points awarded for cool protective gear.

So much can go wrong during this process but then again what is wrong? It's one of those questions I ask myself every time I open a kiln or 'finish' a project. Is this my expectations again? Where do they come from and how do I let them go?

My expectations are influenced by so many things; will it sell, how it came out last time, what others like and dislike, pictures I've seen in trade magazines, etc.

But when I am trying to find my own way in clay it is important for me to shut those things off. I've built a box where all those things go and I let them slowly filter through before I ever let them come in contact with my core of ideas and inspiration. At least that's how it works in theory. Usually I'm remembering things and sending them back to their rooms because they upset my ego too much. But it gives me pause to reflect on it and think about it before I adopt it. 

I try to enjoy the process and the people involved in the process. If I think about how it's supposed to come out I get stressed and start worrying about things. Things will be the death of me.

I stay focused on the small bits that give me pleasure along the way. They keep me focused on the process. The here and now. The end results will come zooming into view quickly enough.

As it always does. Well done class, look at your beautiful work! It's been a pleasure to be your guide along this short journey, I do hope you have enjoyed yourselves and I look forward to another journey with you again soon.

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